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The Initial Idea


Flooding is commonplace around here, but very few years, the Roanoke College campus floods completely. Parking lots go underwater, the soccer field becomes a swimming pool, and students put on their rain boots to wade to class. It's a nightmare, despite kayakers loving the sudden waterway they can recreate in.

But why is this an issue, here in the mountains?

The Snyder Branch Creek has been unstable for decades, and it's clear that it's the culprit. Situated on the edge of a main student parking lot, it no doubt has fallen victim to runoff, but its banks have also been damaged. Cement blocks have been placed there, and pipes stick out (coming from who knows where). It's not pretty, and it's severely eroded. Add to the fact that the school has it over-mowed in order to fit the aesthetic of the school, and it's a complete mess.

When hurricanes or heavy rains reach us, the creek can't house all the water. Disaster ensues.

Enter the environmental studies seniors.

All of us remember the famous flood of 2018 during our freshman year. We remember the kayakers. We remember the field swimmers and the waders. Many of us also have fond memories by the creek- seeing the turtles who live there, watching it come alive in the spring, and listening to its babbling in the autumn. It's shaped our story at this school.

Seeing how damaged it is, we decided to rehabilitate it. We've been doing extensive research and advocacy for it since September of this year, hoping to not only spread awareness and heal the creek, but to inspire the school to prioritize its healing.

It's only November, but we'll see how it goes.


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